Mon 21 May 2018
Motorhomes in Spain | Motorhomes being moved on....
No night time parking in Calpe.
Motorhome owners travellling down to the Costa Blanca to Calpe will be confronted by the new by-laws that they have recently voted to alter. They will not be restricted from visiting the town but will NOT be allowed to park overnight on any of the public roads in the area.
This is being opposed and an appeal is going to be lodged as they do not want this to result in Calpe getting a name as a hostile municiapality towards motorhomes from the motorhome and caravanning associations.
Some political parties emphasized that this discriminatory measure would affect the potential earnings from this type of tourism.
The Spanish Motorhomes Federation (FEAA) and the Motorhomes Platform (PACA) are both considering taking legal action against the ban.
Calpe town hall were accused of acting without a plan or strategy and had issued hostile regulations instigated by pressure groups from the property sector. Polictiacl opposition parties are planning to register a council motion proposing that a piece of land be set aside and equipped so that motorhomes could park there overnight. ( we assume this will encounter a small fee for services rendered such as site security and electrical connections but so far, no more information is forthcoming.
Motorhomes are an essential part of the tourism industry in Spain and there are many thousands of them that travel the roads all over Spain, enjoying the benefits of owning a motorhome and being able to park overnight, usually for free, near sites of interest.
Please let us know if you are in the area and you get asked to move on....send your info to us
Don't forget, drive safely and have a great holiday.