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Free Financial Planning and Consultancy services in Spain

FREE Financial Planning & Investment Services in Spain. 

Independent Financial Advisors in Spain offering FREE advice.

                   Free Financial advice and Consultancy services in Spain.


A Free Financial Planning Service in Spain. 

What a good way to start your search for qualified financial planning advice - getting it completely Free of charge with absolutely no obligation or pressure from us. Our free and confidential financial Planning service can be carried out in the comfort of your own home, in our offices or anywhere where you feel confortable. We understand the need for privacy when talking about your financial plans and future ideas. 

Talking about Money to strangers in Spain.

It's not always easy to talk about money matters with strangers, but its certainly a good idea to talk to someone that knows the ropes, lives in Spain and is a fully qualified and regulated professional, and of course, as i mentioned earlier, its completley free. Our advisors do cover the whole of Spain, so don't worry if you live in a remote area of Spain. 

Take advantage of investment and free financial services in Spain.

We believe in our clients and by offering you this free service you will take advantage of our financial specialists in Spain. They can help you with all types of advice from pension schemes to tax mitigation, mortgages and loans, life insurance and family protection. We have the whole Spectrum of advice available to you. Everyone is unique, so make an appointment today and get your finances sorted out. Call us on 0034 - 965 27 57 27. or contact us via our website and request a call back. 

Financial Planning and investing from Spain.

If you are now a resident of Spain, or even a part time resident, you will know how important it is to plan for your future. Investments and finance are not everyone’s cup of tea and that’s why we are here to help and guide you through the process of dealing with such things as investments, savings, financial planning, pensions, Spanish taxes, life insurances and inheritance taxes.

How to get Free Financial advice and Information in Gibraltar.

We have taken the time to research some of the financial planning professional services that are available to Expats living working or retired in Gibraltar, As international financial planning experts we have been very selective with whom we have affiliated to provide you with the best services possible with regard to Financial Planning, Wealth Management and Investment Advice.

How to get Free Financial advice and information in Spain. 

Spanish laws regarding investments and financial transactions are very different from those in the UK. You cannot just invest in what you pleases, as most products or portfolios need to comply to the Spanish regulations if you are a resident of Spain. It is essential that you contact a Financial planner or Financial consultant that has many years experience in Spain. Beware, there are a lot of cowboys out there, and there are many horror stories of people investing with ¨legal Companies¨ that are ripping you off. 

It is advisable to seek more than one consultant and make a comparison as to what they are offering, the charges applied etc. Do your due diligence and research the company you are planning to use. Are they legal? what references do they have. The internet is not always the best place to look for investment or wealth management services or credentials, so chack with the so called registered legal Authorities that have regulated these companies. They ALL must have a regulation number and be regulated in Spain by the D.G.S.F.P. - Direccion General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones. 

All or none of this may apply to you. You may just want some free advice to help you decide what may be the best options for you, for your investments or you may just want someone to keep tabs on what your doing. Call us for FREE confidential and impartial advice in Spain about your investment plans and we will guide you up to date information on anything to do with financial planning, investing in Spain, investments, pension schemes, property taxes, death duties, inheritance tax, will writing and so much more. 

Residents of Spain with UK Pensions. 

British pensions can be affected by your move to Spain and you may be worried about Brexit. Feel free to talk to one of our affiliate specialists on UK pensions and how it may affect you in Spain. Details about pension transfers and how this can help you stay on top of the changes and take advantages of any tax breaks that may apply to you.

Mortgage and Family protection.

With funeral plans being the craze of the day, have you set out to protect your family yet? Are there other ways of providing financial stability if something happened to you? Do you need a funeral plan in Spain? Discuss these with our specialists as every person’s circumstances are different and the rules and regulations in Spain do and can change quite regularly.

Getting Financial planning updates.

Don’t get left out to dry. So many financial consultants in Spain make big promises to keep you in the loop and promise to keep you updated on a regular basis for no charge. In practice this is not the case. Our affiliates are professional companies that have been providing expert analysis and investment criteria to thousands of Expats in Spain, with great feedback and support, our clients are happy to stay with us.

Regulated Financial Consultants in Spain.

We use only the cream of the crop. Top people in their own specialised financial fields so that you get the latest and most up to date information. In this ever-changing world of social media, television and Internet based businesses; we like to know who our consultants really are. It is fast paced market place with so much going on, and as an individual, so keeping up is not that easy. 

Our financial specialists in Spain are highly qualified, trained and mature people that have extensive knowledge of the products available in Spain, how and when to best use them and how to get the most out of them for better returns on your investments. 

Our financial advisors are English speaking, are fully compliant and regulatedby the regulatory bodies in Spain and other parts of the world including the UK, live and work in Spain and have that extensive local knowledge from working here for many years. 

Scammers and unregulated financial advisors and consultants in Spain have conned many Expats out of their life savings in the past, and are still at it. This is why you need to be careful when you select a financial advisor to care for, advise and maintain your portfolio, whether for businesses or individuals. 

It is important to get the right advice from the start and know that the person you are dealing with is completely legitimate, regulated, qualified and knows what they are doing – your livelihood for the future could depend on it. 

Profits from Brexit.

So much talk of Brexit over the past few years has got Expats jumpy and nervous, So many, what if’s, that no-one as yet, can explain what’s actually going on over Brexit because that information is not available. At the time of writing this, September 2019, October 31st2019 is supposed to be the deadline for a deal or no deal on Brexit, one way or the other. 

So, as an investor, with a portfolio, or investments somewhere, have you taken steps to mitigate any potential losses? What about gains? Brexit offers some investors unique opportunities to make money. Whether you leave it in the UK, invest offshore or overseas or take opportunities in other areas, advice is always key. 

Getting the right advice is not just the key but is vital to ensure that you don’t go down with the ship if it hits an iceberg. 

Lets Talk. have a resident financial consultant that will take your call or pay you a direct visit to your home if required, or you can visit our head office in Benitachell for a consultation.  

Other qualified and legal financial consultants are based all over Spain and cover the whole of Spain. If you would like a direct consultation in your home or at a convenient meeting place, just let us know. 

Our advice is offered free of charge and you are not obligated in any way, we will not put any pressure on you, and the conversations are strictly private and confidential. This is our personal service to you.

Life and Mortgage protection insurances. 

For such things as mortgage protection, life insurance and any other form of general insurance, please call 965 27 57 27 and we can provide you with details of a variety of products and prices to suit your needs. Alternatively go directly to our home page.

Health, car, home, liability, marine, business and all other insurances are available directly through or you can call 965 27 57 27 for an immediate quote and cover. 

Will writing service 

We can offer you the best advice on writing your Spanish or English Will, provide you with a template if you wish to do it yourself and advise on the best approach to protect your assets in Europe.

Notaries and lawyers in Spain. 

Most applications for investments and life insurance don’t require the services of a Spanish Lawyer or Notary unless you are writing a will or completing a property transaction, or providing a power of attorney. 

Taxes in Spain. 

As you could expect, these can often be complex and difficult to do on your own. That is why it is always better to consult with a Spanish tax Specialist that deals with Expat cases. Each case is individual and getting this right is extremely important. Don’t take our word for it, talk to a specialist and understand the ramifications of whatever it is you decide to do to protect your finances. 

Financial and tax laws in Spain. 

The financial and tax laws in Spain are not the same as the UK. Spanish residents and Non-residents are treated differently and add that to the inheritance and the worries over Brexit and its worth thinking about. Sort it out before Brexit boxes you in. 

Mitigating your tax liability in Spain. 

We would all like to pay less tax in Spain and as governments clamp down on dubious tax havens and tax avoidance schemes, this gets more difficult to do legally. Ensure that your investments, pensions and savings schemes are properly administered and managed so that you don’t fall into a get rich quick scheme that goes wrong. Consult with the professionals; it pays in the long term. 

Inheritance or succession Tax in Spain. 

If we have any wealth, property or investments when we pass away, we would like to believe that all that hard work and effort in earning it will not go to the Spanish tax authorities. If you do a quick search on Google about inheritance tax in Spain, you will be offered a lot of different answers. In Spain, all beneficiaries are liable to inheritance tax in some form or another.

Under Spanish inheritance tax laws your children are automatically entitled to two thirds of your entire estate!  There are also differentials between inheritance taxes set out by the State and those set out by the Autonomous region in Spain that you have chosen to live in. 

Wealth tax. 

If you own any property in Spain, whether you are a tax resident or not, you will have to pay your wealth tax in Spain. If you are a resident taxpayer the wealth tax will apply to all your assets worldwide. 

You do get personal allowances up to €700,000 which can vary in different regions of Spain, and items such as properties, investments, works of art, businesses and savings are all gathered together in this category.  This can be a progressive tax; so the more you have the more tax you are likely to pay. 

Capital Gains Tax in Spain.

For the sale of a property or shares in a company, the general rule of taxation is between 19 to 23% of the profits obtained from the sale. 

There are some exemptions and some things can be deducted from capital gains tax in Spain, but we recommend that you seek professional advice before the sale of your property or business to mitigate the capital gains implications. Non–residents that live outside Europe will pay 24%.

General tax and financial advice in Spain.

Don’t try and deal with these complex issues on your own, we are here to help you. Spain is in the EU and the United Kingdom is about to leave the EU. This does raise issues for any financial planning situation and needs to be dealt with properly or you could be heading for trouble. Do nothing and your finances could be at risk, so find out what the latest advice is to suit your unique situation, and then you can relax knowing that you have received expert financial advice from professionals living and working in Spain.

Call  965 27 57 27 now for your free financial review. are pleased to offer all our clients a Free financial and consultancy pakage and any advice required to assist you in making the right decisions about your financial future in Spain.